To honor the truth and completeness of the love of God, Diane Lowery uses biblical knowledge, humor, and compassion to inspire others to be spiritually and personally transformed. 

In March of 2009, I committed to lead my women’s Bible study group through the Bible in one year.  This turned into an eleven-year journey and ongoing.  What began simply as a quest to know God through the study of His Word led to new experiences by way of applying these truths to situations and circumstances of my ordinary life.  Although I had been a “Christian” for many years this process proved to be effective in producing for me spiritual maturity, and ultimately an abundant life. I was being transformed and so were the women who were traveling along by my side.

On October 15, 2015, I was licensed into the gospel ministry.  Along with this great privilege came opportunities to minister to the needs of others in a variety of ways.  But I have learned that there is no greater joy in life than to be a seeker of truth.  When we seek, we find, and when we find, we share.  That then becomes our purpose, to share the love of God.

Connect with Diane

In these trying times, we need more support and encouragement than ever. We require daily doses of hope and truth to spur us on in our “new normal” and help us live lives of greater joy and purpose despite our circumstances.

I would love to stay connected with you and link arms in the army of God.  Here are a few offerings which I hope you will find helpful.  I realize that every heart matters and that connection happens with just one heart at a time.

Every week we come together to study the Word of God. As we take this weekly plunge into the Living Water, we are fed a steady diet of wisdom, revelation and understanding of God’s character. The more we know Him, the more we can trust Him. The more we can trust Him, the more freedom, rest, and transformation of ourselves we can experience as we mature in faith.

If you are not involved in a weekly Bible class that immerses you in the study of God’s Word, we invite to join us. We are seekers of Biblical truths that are “living and active… discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) Come with us as we draw closer to Jesus and receive His gifts.

A long-lived life and more than a decade of studying and teaching through the entire Bible have left Diane with an extensive menu of rich and applicable topics for every woman of every age.  From Genesis to Revelation, God has provided Scriptural, life-altering truths that are designed to be deposited into the hearts of those who have ears to hear.

Invite Diane to speak at your
Conference, Retreat or Tea

Wedding Officiant

Many couples are looking for a ceremony that reflects the tenants of their Christian faith, yet they are not currently affiliated with a church and have no pastor to whom they can counsel and employ.

Diane is a licensed minister and in addition to her credentials comes the flexibility with the details of the how, where, and when and if you prefer, the whys.

Views from the Balcony
Things I’ve Seen – Things I’ve Learned

In her debut book, Diane presents her testimony with a few episodes from her charmed childhood, tragic losses, and powerful homecoming.  But it is most predominantly, and significantly so delicious truths gleaned from her years of leading Rock Steady Sisters.  Four life-changing epistles proved to answer three major questions, who am I, why am I here and what am I supposed to do with my life. Therein lies the content of Things I’ve Learned. In this first of the series of five, she features the benefits of living a Christian life with intention.  God’s Word stands next to her experiences and we all can relate as to why it’s so vital to understand and apply Scripture to our own lives.

Four beautiful letters given to the Christian are highlighted in the Views from the Balcony collection revealing to us five essential truths which include, living a life filled with grace, riches, joy, purpose, and intention: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians.