Love Passed On
Two selected songs from the CD
Love Passed On
Track 8: Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Track 13: How Are Things At Home?
And so, my friends….this is our great hope. That every listening ear will come to know and believe that the love of God will never, ever let you go. If you don’t know Him? Seek Him. He will be found. Love passed on.

20 % Off New Book
Views From the Balcony –
Things I’ve Seen, Thing’s I’ve Learned
Diane presents her testimony with a few episodes from her charmed childhood, tragic losses and powerful homecoming. But it is most significantly a compilation of Bible studies gleaned from four, life-changing Epistles which proved to answer three major questions; who am I, why am I here and what am I supposed to do with my life.

Monday Love Notes
Begin your week with a short and encouraging message to contribute to your spiritual maturity. Diane extracts key life-nuggets from the Scriptures as she journey’s through the Word of God and leaves us all with reasons to apply them to our daily lives.
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Thank you for joining in for the REVIVE & THRIVE virtual conference. It would be my pleasure to stay connected with you. Perhaps you’ll find my offerings helpful, encouraging, and inspirational for you as you continue your walk with our dear Lord Jesus. It’s vital that we as the body of Christ stay connected and available for one another. Please feel free to reach out to me if you feel so led. Blessings, sheisdianelowery@gmail.com