Come to the Mountain

In 1 Kings 17, we are introduced to a prophet named Elijah. His name means “Jehovah is my strength.” Even though he has been through a series of spectacular events in his life where he has experience the faithfulness of God over and over again, something happens and he loses hope.

Life had its way of destroying a day for a man named Elijah a prophet of God.
Defeated, weary, depressed tired and dreary, he ran with no strength to go on.
And out in the desert he cried to Jehovah, “I’ve lost every battle! Just take me home, I’m all alone!”
And there in his deep need, the Savior renewed him and gave him the power to go on.
“Come to the Mountain” by Diane Lowery

In this two-part study we learn that no one is exempt from being discouraged. We are all like Elijah. However, our vulnerability is of no surprise to our loving Savior. He finds us in the wilderness, restores us, refreshes us, re-directs us and reminds us that we are ever in the view of His sovereign, watchful eye. He Calls us to the mountain to be reminded that He makes the wind, the fire and the rain; but He remains deep in our hearts.